Winter in the UAE has an extreme side to it, which also means that your skin can be highly vulnerable to its effects such as acne breakouts to dry flaky skin and chapped lips. It helps to stay aware on how best you can choose the best approaches to maintaining skin treatment in winter.
Our expert dermatologists at HealthHub Clinics have 5 tips to help you maintain a winter skincare routine to keep your skin in radiant health this winter:
1) Avoid Chapped Lips
Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated (for some odd reason, people drink less in winter assuming they don’t sweat anyway). Applying lip balm when you step outdoors helps you avoid chapped and dry lips. Apart from hydrating yourself to beat the dryness, consume fiber with as many fruits and veggies you can add to your diet. Covering everything from strawberries to lemons and broccoli to cabbage, each of which have effective antioxidants and contain rich fiber and Vitamin C.
2) Prevent Cracked Heels
Dry cracked feet result in cracked heels as the winter causes your skin to dry up easily. If not treated in time, they could bleed or make walking extremely painful. The best cold weather skincare option is to apply petroleum jelly to keep them moisturized or make sure to wear socks before you go to bed.
3) Mind that soap!
As your face dries up under the winter weather, it’s important to note that when bathing, a gentle, super-fatted, fragrance-free bar of soap with mineral oils is recommended to avoid dry skin.
4) Get rid of dead skin!
Always apply a natural moisturizer (the best moisturizers for winter) that helps go deeper into your dry skin to fully take effect, without having any side effects. Some exfoliants can cause skin irritations in winter, so make sure you try spreading a sample on a small area of dry skin first.
5) Watch out for Eczema!
If you have eczema or painful skin inflammation, just make sure that the moisturizer you are using has an oil-based ointment with sunscreen.

Want to know more? Speak with our expert dermatologists:

Dr. Moutusi Audhya
Specialist Dermatologist
Dr. Moutusi Audhya has over 15 years of experience as a Specialist Dermatologist. She has worked as a Consultant Dermatologist, and later as an Assistant Professor in India, before arriving in the UAE. She has worked at several reputed hospitals as a Specialist Dermatologist. Her core areas of expertise lie in clinical dermatology and aesthetic dermatology.
Get to know more about her and her expertise.

Dr. Ghoufran Mohideen
Specialist Dermatologist
Dr. Ghoufran Mohideen has 8 years of experience in cosmetic procedures covering Botox, fillers, threads, PRP and Mesotherapy and treatment of hair and skin disorders. She has a Master’s qualification in dermatology and venerology. She is associated with reputed medical associations such as the Arab Board in dermatology and venerology, and the Syrian Board in dermatology and venerology.
Get to know more about her and her expertise.

Dr. Bina Rabadia
Specialist Dermatologist
Dr. Bina Rabadia has more than 25 years of clinical experience in the field of dermatology and venereology, having worked at leading medical institutions in India, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the UAE. She is a lifetime member of IADVL (Indian Association of Dermatology Venereology & Leprology), CSI (Cosmetic Society of India), IDS (International Dermatoscopy Society), the EDS (Emirates Dermatology Society) and the ACSI- Association of Cutaneous Surgeons of India.
Get to know more about her and her expertise.
To know more or to book an appointment, call 8002344 today to speak with our dermatologists at HealthHub Clinics.